GET Buyer by ID

To get buyer details by ID.

HTTP Request
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Request Response
    "_id": "5bc875bcf9b0da3f12f97809",
    "buyer_id": "590",
    "contactinfo": {
        "name": "B.S.Sharma",
        "company": "Bliss Enterprises",
        "initials": "BLISS",
        "address1": "57 Railway Road",
        "address2": "",
        "city": "New Delhi",
        "state": "New Delhi",
        "zip": "110001",
        "country": "IN",
        "email": "",
        "contact": "9464700320",
        "profilepic": "",
        "gstin": "03ABCDE1234F1ZZ"
    "territory": {
        "code": "331eea54d5da622bc3b8a66e2dd08493",
        "name": "South",
        "visible": true
    "visibilitytier": 9,
    "ratingtier": 3,
    "minimumordervalue": 0,
    "pricetier": {
        "name": "MRP",
        "currency": "INR",
        "currencyprefix": "Rs."
    "customfields": {
        "238ad82a5adc98c6f93ef6267e31fb19": {
            "code": "238ad82a5adc98c6f93ef6267e31fb19",
            "label": "Test Field",
            "type": "Text",
            "description": "",
            "value": "Hello World"
    "distributor": false,
    "groupexists": true,
    "dt_approval": "2018-10-18T13:00:22.004Z",
    "dt_create": "2018-10-18T12:05:56.259Z",
    "dt_update": "2018-12-12T13:10:25.299Z",
    "id": "5bc875bcf9b0da3f12f97809"
Attribute Details
Attribute Type Description
_id String ID of the Buyer
buyer_id String Buyer ID (ObjectId / Primary Key from your existing software / database)
contactinfo Object Buyer's Contact Information
territory Object Territory allotted to the Buyer
visibilitytier Integer Visibility Tier allotted to the Buyer
ratingtier Integer Rating Tier allotted to the Buyer
minimumordervalue Integer Minimum Order Value set for the Buyer
pricetier Object Price Tier allotted to the Buyer
customfields Object Custom Field Values for the Buyer
distributor Boolean true if Buyer is your Distributor, false otherwise
groupexists Boolean true if Buyer has a Way2Order Account, false otherwise
dt_approval Date Date on which the Buyer Request was approved
dt_create Date Buyer Creation Date
dt_update Date Buyer Last Updation Date
id String ID of the Buyer