
Webhooks allow you to subscribe to certain events linked with the Order Status in Way2Order. When one of those events is triggered, a POST payload containing the Order Object is sent to the webhook’s configured URL.

The following trigger the webhook -

  • When a NEW Order is received
  • When the order status is changed to CONFIRMED
  • When the order status is changed to ON-HOLD
  • When the order status is changed to IN-PROCESS
  • When the order is marked as COMPLETE
  • When the order is CANCELLED

POST payloads that are delivered to your webhook’s configured URL endpoint, contain the following headers -

Parameter Description
X-Way2Order-Event The event which triggered the webhook (NEW, CONFIRMED, ON-HOLD, IN-PROCESS, COMPLETE or CANCELLED)
X-Way2Order-WID The Unique Webhook Identifier
X-Way2Order-AID The Way2Order Account Identifier (Your W2O App Code)
X-Way2Order-Signature A SHA256 HMAC hex digest computed with your Client ID and the raw body of the request. To validate a webhook came from Way2Order we suggest verifying the webhook payloads with the X-Way2Order-Signature header (which we pass with every webhook).