Custom Order Fields

Seller Buyer Web iOS Android

Every business has its own way of working. Custom Order Fields provide you a flexible method of customising the Way2Order platform. Custom Order Fields come into play if you are using the Way2Order's Order Processing, meaning you process the orders by changing their status from New to Confirmed and finally to Complete. When you mark an order as complete, a notification is sent to your buyer & to all your linked Sales Reps. In the order completion process, you may want to send the invoice & shipping information or documents etc. to your buyer, this is what custom order fields enable you to achieve. You can define custom information that you would want to inform your buyer about, when the order is marked as complete. This information can be of the following types -

  • Text (for single line text)
  • Number (for numeric values)
  • Date (for dates)
  • Checkbox (for yes or no)
  • File Upload (for attaching documents in JPG or PDF format)

By defining these fields, you can customise the format in which you wish to send this information to your buyers.

Add / Update Custom Order Fields

Custom Order Fields are available in the 'Settings' section. To add a new custom order field, click the button 'Add New' & then define the field label, field description (for your internal staff), field type (Text, Number, Date, Checkbox or File Upload) & finally whether this is a mandatory field or not.

  • Way2Order App : Seamless B2B Ordering Platform

Custom Order Field for File Upload has a maximum upload file size limit of 5 MB per attachment. The supported file formats are JPG & PDF. These attachments have a validity of 30 days from the date of upload.

  • Way2Order App : Seamless B2B Ordering Platform

Custom Order Fields can be deleted. When you delete a custom order field, the data for that field, saved with the earlier orders, is NOT deleted.

Mark Order as Complete

Custom Order Fields can be seen in action when you mark an order as complete.

  • Way2Order App : Seamless B2B Ordering Platform